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€ 119,02 € 107,12 (+€ 23,57 IVA)
shop.soldati en p46691-folding-stender-with-maxi-wheels 008
CHROME FOLDING STENDER (closed dimensions 148x50x13h cm.)
adjustable height with buttons cm 146/216 Width cm 143/205, base cm 50 with wheels diam. 80mm of which two with brakes.
This is a professional clothes rack whose particular size of the wheels makes it suitable for any type of surface, from warehouses to outdoor areas such as markets
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€ 107,12
shop.soldati en p46691-folding-stender-with-maxi-wheels 009 shop.soldati en p46691-folding-stender-with-maxi-wheels 010 shop.soldati en p46691-folding-stender-with-maxi-wheels 011
SOLDATI - Manichini, Arredamenti, Vetrine, Attrezzature per Negozi

SHOW ROOM e UFFICI via Ausa, 7 (Superstr. S. Marino Km 6)
47853 Cerasolo Ausa di Coriano (RN)
LABORATORIO e MAGAZZINO via Ausa, 9 (Superstr. S. Marino Km 6)
47853 Cerasolo Ausa di Coriano (RN)
Tel. +39 0541 756202 / Gianfranco 3357260691 - Fax +39 0541/756139
Privacy & Cookie Policy - Cookie preferences - P.Iva 03950630404

OPENING HOURS SHOWROOM AND OFFICES: 8:30/12:30 - 14:30/18:30 every day, Saturday and Sunday excluded.

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shop.soldati en p46691-folding-stender-with-maxi-wheels 013 shop.soldati en p46691-folding-stender-with-maxi-wheels 014
Credits TITANKA! Spa